Do You Really Pay Attention?
Can I be totally honest with you? And a tiny bit vulnerable...
I don’t always pay the best attention to my partner.
Even though I know better; even though I think I always do!
The truth is, I sometimes blow it.
I found myself impatient tonight when he called to tell me about his day (he’s out of the country right now).
He was really opening up and sharing about his struggles.
This is exactly what I want him to do!
Except, I was hungry. I was in the car waiting to go shopping. It was getting late. I had a bunch more work to do.
Luckily, I caught myself getting restless, took a breath, and re-focused on what he was saying.
I focused on listening for the emotion in his voice. On what was important to him. On the fact that he was eager to share with ME.
I had to be patient and put my agenda on hold. I chose to be present with him.
And I had to forgive myself in the moment for getting restless. I’m human.
I want you to have this kind of grace for yourself. Being in relationship can be hard.Your humanity will sometimes get the best of you.
Be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best you can.
And, so is your partner.